from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
from matplotlib import gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm, rcParams

title_sz = 27
axis_sz = 22
tick_sz = 21

import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
from scipy import stats
%matplotlib inline
from chem_ocean.ocean_data import dataFetcher, water_column
from chem_ocean.ocean_plt import rawPlotter as RawPlotter


Probing the Data#


# produce section view of data for a specified tracer along a line of longitude
line_lon = -30
min_lat, max_lat = -80, 80
tracer = 'phosphate'

newPlot = RawPlotter(['section'], [tracer])
fig, ax_out = newPlot.make()

dataset = dataFetcher()
dataset.get_section('NS_section', line_lon, [min_lat, max_lat], [tracer])
maxdepth_1 = max(dataset._d)

fig, ax_out[0] = newPlot.add_section(fig, ax_out[0], dataset, tracer, colorbar = 'y', share_limits =True)

ax_out[0].set_ylim([5500, 0])

ax_out[0].plot([-75,-68, -60,-50,-10], [0, 4000, 4800,5000, 5000], c = 'k') #AABW
ax_out[0].arrow(-50, 5000, 40, 0, head_width=100, head_length=5, fc='k', ec='k')
ax_out[0].text(-25, 4800, '$AABW$', color='k', size=24)

ax_out[0].plot([-58,-50,-45,-37, -25, -20, -10, 0], [0, 1000, 1350, 1350, 1000, 800, 600, 600], c = 'k') #AABW
ax_out[0].arrow(-10, 600, 10, 0, head_width=100, head_length=5, fc='k', ec='k')
ax_out[0].text(-10, 1000, '$AAIW$', color='k', size=24)

ax_out[0].plot([-58,-62,-65,-67, -67], [3000, 3200, 3400, 3800, 4000], c = 'k') #AABW
ax_out[0].arrow(-67, 4000, 0, .2, head_width=2, head_length=200, fc='k', ec='k')
ax_out[0].text(-60, 2900, '$CDW$', color='k', size=24)
0 4
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x123d7b978>
# produce section view of data for a specified tracer along a line of longitude
line_lon = -30
min_lat, max_lat = -80, 80
tracer = 'oxygen'

newPlot = RawPlotter(['section'], [tracer])
fig, ax_out = newPlot.make()

dataset = dataFetcher()
dataset.get_section('NS_section', line_lon, [min_lat, max_lat], [tracer])
maxdepth_1 = max(dataset._d)

fig, ax_out[0] = newPlot.add_section(fig, ax_out[0], dataset, tracer, colorbar = 'y', share_limits =True)

ax_out[0].set_ylim([5500, 0])

ax_out[0].plot([-75,-68, -60,-50,-10], [0, 4000, 4800,5000, 5000], c = 'k') #AABW
ax_out[0].arrow(-50, 5000, 40, 0, head_width=100, head_length=5, fc='k', ec='k')
ax_out[0].text(-25, 4800, '$AABW$', color='k', size=24)

ax_out[0].plot([-58,-50,-45,-37, -25, -20, -10, 0], [0, 1000, 1350, 1350, 1000, 800, 600, 600], c = 'k') #AABW
ax_out[0].arrow(-10, 600, 10, 0, head_width=100, head_length=5, fc='k', ec='k')
ax_out[0].text(-10, 1000, '$AAIW$', color='k', size=24)

ax_out[0].plot([-58,-62,-65,-67, -67], [3000, 3200, 3400, 3800, 4000], c = 'k') #AABW
ax_out[0].arrow(-67, 4000, 0, .2, head_width=2, head_length=200, fc='k', ec='k')
ax_out[0].text(-60, 2900, '$CDW$', color='k', size=24)
0 10
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x115da5828>
# produce section view of data for a specified tracer along a line of longitude
line_lon = -30
min_lat, max_lat = -80, 80
tracer = 'salinity'

newPlot = RawPlotter(['section'], [tracer])
fig, ax_out = newPlot.make()

dataset = dataFetcher()
dataset.get_section('NS_section', line_lon, [min_lat, max_lat], [tracer])
maxdepth_1 = max(dataset._d)

fig, ax_out[0] = newPlot.add_section(fig, ax_out[0], dataset, tracer, colorbar = 'y', share_limits =True)

ax_out[0].set_ylim([5500, 0])

ax_out[0].plot([-75,-68, -60,-50,-10], [0, 4000, 4800,5000, 5000], c = 'k') #AABW
ax_out[0].arrow(-50, 5000, 40, 0, head_width=100, head_length=5, fc='k', ec='k')
ax_out[0].text(-25, 4800, '$AABW$', color='k', size=24)

ax_out[0].plot([-58,-50,-45,-37, -25, -20, -10, 0], [0, 1000, 1350, 1350, 1000, 800, 600, 600], c = 'k') #AABW
ax_out[0].arrow(-10, 600, 10, 0, head_width=100, head_length=5, fc='k', ec='k')
ax_out[0].text(-10, 1000, '$AAIW$', color='k', size=24)

ax_out[0].plot([-58,-62,-65,-67, -67], [3000, 3200, 3400, 3800, 4000], c = 'k') #AABW
ax_out[0].arrow(-67, 4000, 0, .2, head_width=2, head_length=200, fc='k', ec='k')
ax_out[0].text(-60, 2900, '$CDW$', color='k', size=24)
32 36.4
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11654be10>
# Produce three histogram figure (phosphate, salinity, temperature) with overlays of all water 
# below 3000 m, all water in the Atlantic below 3000m, and all water in the high latitude
# Atlantic below 3000m

print('Atlantic basin below 3000 m (dark), global ocean below 3000 m (light)')
tracers = {'phosphate': ['Phosphate ($\mu$mol/l)', [0, 4], 'g'], 
           'salinity': ['Salinity (psu)', [33.5, 36], 'r'],
          'temperature': ['Temperature (degC)', [-3, 5], 'b']}

_x_var = 'longitude'
_y_var = 'latitude'

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,6))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,len(tracers), width_ratios=np.ones(len(tracers)), wspace=0.5, hspace = 0.4) 
ax_out = []

for ik, tracer in enumerate(tracers):
    _in_var_names = [tracer]
    sum_names = ['station', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'depth'] + _in_var_names
    cols = ', '.join(sum_names)

    # Atlantic Basin below 2500m
    query = 'SELECT '+ cols+' FROM woa13 WHERE depth>=3000 and longitude >-70 and longitude < 15'
    dataset = dataFetcher()
    dataset.return_from_psql(query, sum_names, _in_var_names, _x_var, _y_var)
    n, bins, patches = ax_out[ik].hist(dataset._feat_data, 100, color = tracers[tracer][2], alpha = .4)

    # Global Ocean below 2500m
    query = 'SELECT '+ cols+' FROM woa13 WHERE depth>=3000'
    dataset2 = dataFetcher()
    dataset2.return_from_psql(query, sum_names, _in_var_names, _x_var, _y_var)
    n, bins, patches = ax_out[ik].hist(dataset2._feat_data, 100, color =  tracers[tracer][2], alpha = .2)

    dataset_NA = dataFetcher()
    dataset_NA.return_from_psql('SELECT latitude, longitude, depth, {} from woa13 WHERE latitude > 50 and longitude < 15 and longitude >-70 and depth>=3000'.format(tracer),['latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', tracer], [tracer], 'longitude', 'latitude')
    n, bins, patches = ax_out[ik].hist(dataset_NA._feat_data, 20, color =  tracers[tracer][2], alpha = 1)

    dataset_SA = dataFetcher()
    dataset_SA.return_from_psql('SELECT latitude, longitude, depth, {} from woa13 WHERE latitude <-50 and longitude < 15 and longitude >-70 and depth>=4000'.format(tracer),['latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', tracer], [tracer], 'longitude', 'latitude')
    n, bins, patches = ax_out[ik].hist(dataset_SA._feat_data, 20, color =  tracers[tracer][2], alpha = 1)

    plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')

#     # Global Ocean below
#     query = 'SELECT '+ cols+' FROM woa13'
#     dataset3 = dataFetcher()
#     dataset3.return_from_psql(query, sum_names, _in_var_names, _x_var, _y_var)
#     n, bins, patches = ax_out[ik].hist(dataset3._feat_data, 50, color =  tracers[tracer][2], alpha = .1)


    ax_out[ik].set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=axis_sz-4)
    ax_out[ik].set_xlabel(tracers[tracer][0], fontsize=axis_sz-5)
    xtickNames = ax_out[ik].get_xticklabels()
    ytickNames = ax_out[ik].get_yticklabels()
    for names in [ytickNames, xtickNames]:
        plt.setp(names, rotation=0, fontsize=tick_sz-4)

name1 = 'phosphate_salinity_temp'+'_alldata_Atl_logscale'
path = 'raw_demo_plots/histograms/'
plt.savefig(path+name1+'.png', dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
        orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,
        transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.2,
Atlantic basin below 2,500 m (dark), global ocean below 2,500 m (light)

Analytical Investigations#

Q1: NADW and AABW, statistically different?#

# Two colum plot with trajectories of latitude v. tracer on the left and 
# histograms of data below 3000m on the right

tracers = ['phosphate', 'salinity', 'temperature']
line_lon = -30
min_lat, max_lat = -70, 80

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 14))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(len(tracers),2, width_ratios=[1,1], wspace=0.4, hspace = 0.4) 
ax_out = []
for ik in range(len(tracers)*2):

for ik, tracer in enumerate(tracers):
    dataset_NA = dataFetcher()
    dataset_NA.return_from_psql('SELECT latitude, longitude, depth, {} from woa13 WHERE latitude <70 and latitude > 50 and longitude < -20 and longitude >-40 and depth>=3000'.format(tracer),['latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', tracer], [tracer], 'longitude', 'latitude')

    NAtl_60 = water_column(dataset_NA, 'column')

    dataset_SA = dataFetcher()
    dataset_SA.return_from_psql('SELECT latitude, longitude, depth, {} from woa13 WHERE latitude <-50 and latitude > -70 and longitude < -20 and longitude >-40 and depth>=3000'.format(tracer),['latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', tracer], [tracer], 'longitude', 'latitude')

    SAtl_60 = water_column(dataset_SA, 'column')
    section_dataset = dataFetcher()
    section_dataset.get_section('NS_section', line_lon, [min_lat, max_lat], [tracer])

    ax_out[2*ik+1].hist(dataset_SA._feat_data, label = 'SO', alpha=.5)
    ax_out[2*ik+1].hist(dataset_NA._feat_data, label = 'NA', alpha = .5)
    ax_out[2*ik+1].set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=axis_sz-4)
    ax_out[2*ik+1].set_xlabel(tracer.title(), fontsize=axis_sz-4)

    t2, p2 = stats.ttest_ind(dataset_NA._feat_data,dataset_SA._feat_data, equal_var=False)
    if p2>-1: 
        print('p value:', p2)
    depths = [3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500]
    for depth in depths:
        data_NA = dataset_NA._feat_data[dataset_NA._d==depth]
        data_SA = dataset_SA._feat_data[dataset_SA._d==depth]
        ax_out[2*ik].plot(section_dataset._x[section_dataset._d==depth], section_dataset._feat_data[section_dataset._d==depth], label=str(depth))
        ax_out[2*ik].set_ylabel(tracer.title(), fontsize=axis_sz-4)
        ax_out[2*ik].set_xlabel('Latitude (deg) along {}$^\circ$W'.format(-line_lon), fontsize=axis_sz-4)
            ax_out[2*ik+1].set_xlim([min([min(data_NA), min(data_SA)])-.5, max([max(data_NA), max(data_SA)])+.5])
    if ik == 0:
        handles, labels = ax_out[2*ik+1].get_legend_handles_labels()
        # sort both labels and handles by labels
        labels, handles = zip(*sorted(zip(labels, handles), key=lambda t: t[0]))
        ax_out[2*ik+1].legend(handles, labels, prop={'size': 14})
        ax_out[2*ik].legend(prop={'size': 14})

    # set tick parameters
    for ij in [2*ik, 2*ik+1]:
        xtickNames = ax_out[ij].get_xticklabels()
        ytickNames = ax_out[ij].get_yticklabels()

        for names in [ytickNames, xtickNames]:
            plt.setp(names, rotation=0, fontsize=tick_sz-4)

name1 = 'phosphate_salinity_temperature'+'_depths_Atl'
path = 'raw_demo_plots/'
plt.savefig(path+name1+'.png', dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
        orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,
        transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.2,
p value: 0.0
p value: 0.0
p value: 0.0
# same plot at all, with histograms separated out by depth

tracers = ['phosphate', 'salinity', 'temperature']
line_lon = -30
min_lat, max_lat = -70, 80

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 14))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(len(tracers),2, width_ratios=[1,1], wspace=0.4, hspace = 0.4) 
ax_out = []
for ik in range(len(tracers)*2):

for ik, tracer in enumerate(tracers):
    dataset_NA = dataFetcher()
    dataset_NA.return_from_psql('SELECT latitude, longitude, depth, {} from woa13 WHERE latitude <70 and latitude > 50 and longitude < -20 and longitude >-40 order by depth'.format(tracer),['latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', tracer], [tracer], 'longitude', 'latitude')

    NAtl_60 = water_column(dataset_NA, 'column')

    dataset_SA = dataFetcher()
    dataset_SA.return_from_psql('SELECT latitude, longitude, depth, {} from woa13 WHERE latitude <-50 and latitude > -70 and longitude < -20 and longitude >-40 order by depth'.format(tracer),['latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', tracer], [tracer], 'longitude', 'latitude')

    SAtl_60 = water_column(dataset_SA, 'column')
    section_dataset = dataFetcher()
    section_dataset.get_section('NS_section', line_lon, [min_lat, max_lat], [tracer])

    depths = [3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500]
    for depth in depths:
        data_NA = dataset_NA._feat_data[dataset_NA._d==depth]
        data_SA = dataset_SA._feat_data[dataset_SA._d==depth]
        ax_out[2*ik+1].hist(data_SA, label = 'SO-'+ str(depth)+'m', alpha=.5)
        ax_out[2*ik+1].hist(data_NA, label = 'NA-'+ str(depth)+'m', alpha = .5)
        ax_out[2*ik+1].set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=axis_sz-4)
        ax_out[2*ik+1].set_xlabel(tracer.title(), fontsize=axis_sz-4)
        t2, p2 = stats.ttest_ind(data_NA,data_SA, equal_var=False)
        if p2>-1: 
            print('\t','depth:', depth,';  p value:', p2)
        ax_out[2*ik].plot(section_dataset._x[section_dataset._d==depth], section_dataset._feat_data[section_dataset._d==depth], label=str(depth))
        ax_out[2*ik].set_ylabel(tracer.title(), fontsize=axis_sz-4)
        ax_out[2*ik].set_xlabel('Latitude (deg) along {}$^\circ$W'.format(-line_lon), fontsize=axis_sz-4)
            ax_out[2*ik+1].set_xlim([min([min(data_NA), min(data_SA)])-.5, max([max(data_NA), max(data_SA)])+.5])
    if ik == 0:
        handles, labels = ax_out[2*ik+1].get_legend_handles_labels()
        # sort both labels and handles by labels
        labels, handles = zip(*sorted(zip(labels, handles), key=lambda t: t[0]))
        ax_out[2*ik+1].legend(handles, labels)
        ax_out[2*ik].legend(prop={'size': 10})

    # set tick parameters
    for ij in [2*ik, 2*ik+1]:
        xtickNames = ax_out[ij].get_xticklabels()
        ytickNames = ax_out[ij].get_yticklabels()

        for names in [ytickNames, xtickNames]:
            plt.setp(names, rotation=0, fontsize=tick_sz-4)
	 depth: 3000 ;  p value: 2.66283833081e-219
	 depth: 3500 ;  p value: 6.82738100016e-73
	 depth: 4000 ;  p value: 1.8625828055e-15
	 depth: 3000 ;  p value: 1.7033218313e-176
	 depth: 3500 ;  p value: 2.7741844131e-125
	 depth: 4000 ;  p value: 2.31425147662e-42
	 depth: 3000 ;  p value: 2.16034546348e-184
	 depth: 3500 ;  p value: 8.74118490401e-240
	 depth: 4000 ;  p value: 1.49892883161e-25
# Same plot as above, run for the Pacific as a point of comparison

tracers = ['phosphate', 'salinity', 'temperature']
line_lon = -150
min_lat, max_lat = -80, 80

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 14))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(len(tracers),2, width_ratios=[1,1], wspace=0.4, hspace = 0.4) 
ax_out = []
for ik in range(len(tracers)*2):

for ik, tracer in enumerate(tracers):
    dataset_NP = dataFetcher()
    dataset_NP.return_from_psql('SELECT latitude, longitude, depth, {} from woa13 WHERE latitude <70 and latitude > 50 and longitude < -20 and longitude >-40 order by depth'.format(tracer),['latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', tracer], [tracer], 'longitude', 'latitude')

    NPac_60 = water_column(dataset_NP, 'column')

    dataset_SP = dataFetcher()
    dataset_SP.return_from_psql('SELECT latitude, longitude, depth, {} from woa13 WHERE latitude <-50 and latitude > -70 and longitude < -20 and longitude >-40 order by depth'.format(tracer),['latitude', 'longitude', 'depth', tracer], [tracer], 'longitude', 'latitude')

    SPac_60 = water_column(dataset_SP, 'column')
    section_dataset = dataFetcher()
    section_dataset.get_section('NS_section', line_lon, [min_lat, max_lat], [tracer])

    depths = [2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500]
    for depth in depths:
        data_NP = dataset_NP._feat_data[dataset_NP._d==depth]
        data_SP = dataset_SP._feat_data[dataset_SP._d==depth]
        ax_out[2*ik+1].hist(data_SP, label = 'SO-'+ str(depth)+'m', alpha=.5)
        ax_out[2*ik+1].hist(data_NP, label = 'NP-'+ str(depth)+'m', alpha = .5)
        ax_out[2*ik+1].set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=axis_sz-4)
        ax_out[2*ik+1].set_xlabel(tracer.title(), fontsize=axis_sz-4)
        t2, p2 = stats.ttest_ind(data_NP,data_SP, equal_var=False)
        if p2>-1: 
            print('\t','depth:', depth,';  p value:', p2)
        ax_out[2*ik].plot(section_dataset._x[section_dataset._d==depth], section_dataset._feat_data[section_dataset._d==depth], label=str(depth))
        ax_out[2*ik].set_ylabel(tracer.title(), fontsize=axis_sz-4)
        ax_out[2*ik].set_xlabel('Latitude (deg) along {}$^\circ$W'.format(-line_lon), fontsize=axis_sz-4)
            ax_out[2*ik+1].set_xlim([min([min(data_NA), min(data_SA)])-.5, max([max(data_NP), max(data_SP)])+.5])
    if ik == 0:
        handles, labels = ax_out[2*ik+1].get_legend_handles_labels()
        # sort both labels and handles by labels
        labels, handles = zip(*sorted(zip(labels, handles), key=lambda t: t[0]))
        ax_out[2*ik+1].legend(handles, labels)
        ax_out[2*ik].legend(prop={'size': 10})

    # set tick parameters
    for ij in [2*ik, 2*ik+1]:
        xtickNames = ax_out[ij].get_xticklabels()
        ytickNames = ax_out[ij].get_yticklabels()

        for names in [ytickNames, xtickNames]:
            plt.setp(names, rotation=0, fontsize=tick_sz-4)
	 depth: 2000 ;  p value: 0.0
	 depth: 2500 ;  p value: 0.0
	 depth: 3000 ;  p value: 2.66283833081e-219
	 depth: 3500 ;  p value: 6.82738100016e-73
	 depth: 4000 ;  p value: 1.8625828055e-15
	 depth: 2000 ;  p value: 0.0
	 depth: 2500 ;  p value: 0.0
	 depth: 3000 ;  p value: 1.7033218313e-176
	 depth: 3500 ;  p value: 2.7741844131e-125
	 depth: 4000 ;  p value: 2.31425147662e-42
	 depth: 2000 ;  p value: 0.0
	 depth: 2500 ;  p value: 0.0
	 depth: 3000 ;  p value: 2.16034546348e-184
	 depth: 3500 ;  p value: 8.74118490401e-240
	 depth: 4000 ;  p value: 1.49892883161e-25

Q2: How far does Southern Ocean source water extend?#

Applying the two end-member mixing model to the Atlantic#

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(17, 7), facecolor='w')

tracer = 'salinity'
dataset = dataFetcher()
dataset.get_section('NS_section', line_lon, [min_lat, max_lat], [tracer])

depths = [2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500]
r = []
b = []
d_traj = {}

for ij, dpth in enumerate(depths):
    Atl = water_column(dataset, 'traj', depth= dpth)
    d_traj[dpth] = Atl
    ax.scatter(Atl._ax_avgd, [dpth for ik in range(len(Atl._feat_data_avgd))], c = Atl.mixing_labels, alpha = .7, s=100)
    # create lists of latitudes where there are red points and blue points
    x_int_r = []
    x_int_b = []
    for ik in range(len(Atl._feat_data_avgd)):
        if Atl.mixing_labels[ik] == 'r':
    # create lists of bounding points for each depth
    r.append([dpth, x_int_r[0], x_int_r[-1]])
    b.append([dpth, x_int_b[0], x_int_b[-1]])

### fill code
r_pairs = [[r[n-1], r[n]] for n in range(1,len(r))]
b_pairs = [[b[n-1], b[n]] for n in range(1,len(b))]

pair_sets = {'r':[r_pairs, []], 'b':[b_pairs,[]]}

for color in pair_sets.keys():
    for pair in pair_sets[color][0]:
        ul = [pair[0][1], pair[0][0]]
        ur = [pair[0][2], pair[0][0]]
        ll = [pair[1][1], pair[1][0]]
        lr = [pair[1][2], pair[1][0]]
        xs = [ik[0] for ik in [ll, ul, ur, lr]]
        ys = [ik[1] for ik in [ll, ul, ur, lr]]
        pair_sets[color][1].append([xs, ys])
    for d in pair_sets[color][1]:
        ax.fill(d[0],d[1], c=color, alpha=.2)
ax.set_ylim([6000, 2000])

ax.set_ylabel('Depth (m)', fontsize=axis_sz)
ax.set_xlabel('Latitude (deg) along {}$^\circ$W'.format(-line_lon), fontsize=axis_sz)

# set tick parameters
xtickNames = ax.get_xticklabels()
ytickNames = ax.get_yticklabels()
for names in [ytickNames, xtickNames]:
    plt.setp(names, rotation=0, fontsize=tick_sz-4) 
name1 = 'two_endmember_Atlantic'
path = 'raw_demo_plots/connectedness/'
plt.savefig(path+name1+'.png', dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
        orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,
        transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.2,

Q3: Can we trace water formation statistically?#

Connectedness using t-test#


Applying connectedness to the Atlantic Ocean#

class minisection:
    outputs a minisection with all tracer data over a short trajectory at each specified depth. 
    depths are determined by the d_traj
    def __init__(self, d_traj, nlat, slat):
        self.depth_bins = d_traj.keys()
        self.nlat = nlat
        self.slat = slat
        self.d = {}
        for depth in self.depth_bins:
            self.d[depth] =d_traj[depth]._feat_data[(d_traj[depth]._x<=nlat)&(d_traj[depth]._x>slat) ] # pull averaged feature data from some depth that is 
#             self.d[depth] =d_traj[depth]._feat_data_avgd[(d_traj[depth]._ax_avgd<nlat) &(d_traj[depth]._ax_avgd>slat) ] # pull averaged feature data from some depth that is 
class paths:
    def __init__(self, connectivity_window, minisections, pthresh1, pthresh2):
        self.window = connectivity_window
        self.pthresh1 = pthresh1
        self.pthresh2 = pthresh2
        self.d_paths = {}
        for ik in range(len(minisections)-1):
            mini_sec1 = minisections[ik]
            mini_sec2 = minisections[ik+1]
            for depth1 in mini_sec1.depth_bins:
                self.d_paths[(mini_sec1.slat,depth1)]= []
                # check for directly vertical connectedness
                    # todo: should be next bin, not 500m bin because not all bins are 500m
                    t, p = stats.ttest_ind(mini_sec1.d[depth1+500],mini_sec1.d[depth1], equal_var=False) #down
                    if p>self.pthresh1:
                        if p>self.pthresh2:
                            self.d_paths[(mini_sec1.slat,depth1)].append((mini_sec1.slat,depth1+500, p))
                            self.d_paths[(mini_sec1.slat,depth1)].append((mini_sec1.slat,depth1+500, p))
                # check for horizontal, diagonal up, diagonal down connectedness
                for depth2 in mini_sec2.depth_bins:
                    if (depth2 <= depth1+self.window) and (depth2 >= depth1-self.window): #horizontal, up diagonal, down diagonal
                        t, p = stats.ttest_ind(mini_sec2.d[depth2],mini_sec1.d[depth1], equal_var=False)
                        if p>self.pthresh1:
                            if p>self.pthresh2:
                                self.d_paths[(mini_sec1.slat,depth1)].append((mini_sec2.slat,depth2, p))
                                self.d_paths[(mini_sec1.slat,depth1)].append((mini_sec2.slat,depth2, p))
tracer_d = {'temperature':'blue', 'salinity': 'red', 'phosphate': 'green'}
# for tracer in tracer_d.keys():
def make_connectedness_plot(tracer, ax, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins):
    dataset = dataFetcher()
    dataset.get_section('NS_section', line_lon, [min_lat, max_lat], [tracer])
    d_traj = {}
    # standardize the depths of interest between locations
    for dpth in depths:
        Atl = water_column(dataset, 'traj', depth= dpth) 
        d_traj[dpth] = Atl

    # create sections that are 3 deg x 3 deg and however deep data is available
    minisections = []
    for (slat, nlat) in lat_bins:
        minisections.append(minisection(d_traj, nlat, slat)) #

    # calculate connectedness between section depths (vertical, horizontal, diagonal)
    Atl_paths = paths(500, minisections, .01, .05) # window for diagonal, sections list, p values
#     fig = plt.figure(figsize = (13, 8)) 
#     ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    for key in Atl_paths.d_paths.keys():
        values = Atl_paths.d_paths[key]
        for value in values:
            ax.plot([key[0], value[0]],[key[1], value[1]], c = tracer_d[tracer] ,alpha = 1-(1-3*value[2]) )
    ax.set_ylabel('Depth (m)', fontsize=axis_sz)
    ax.set_xlabel('Latitude (deg) along {}$^\circ$W'.format(-line_lon), fontsize=axis_sz)

    # set tick parameters
    xtickNames = ax.get_xticklabels()
    ytickNames = ax.get_yticklabels()
    for names in [ytickNames, xtickNames]:
        plt.setp(names, rotation=0, fontsize=tick_sz-4)
#     ax.set_title(tracer)
    ax.set_ylim([6000, -100])
    return ax
lat_bins = [(x, x+3) for x in range(-80,80, 4)]
depths = [x for x in range(0,6500, 250)]
# three degree resolution connectivity plot

depths = [x for x in range(0,6500, 250)]
line_lon = -30
min_lat, max_lat = -80, 80

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 10)) 
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
lat_bins = [(x, x+3) for x in range(-80,80, 3)]
ax1 = make_connectedness_plot('temperature', ax1, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax1 = make_connectedness_plot('salinity', ax1, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax1.text(40, 4600, 'Salinity', color='R', size=24)
ax1.text(40, 5600, 'Temp', color='b', size=24)

ax3 = fig.add_subplot(212)
lat_bins = [(x, x+3) for x in range(-80,80, 3)]
ax3 = make_connectedness_plot('phosphate', ax3, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax3.text(40, 5000, 'PO$_4$', color='g', size=24)

name1 = 'salinity_temp_po4_connectedness_30W_3deg'
path = 'raw_demo_plots/connectedness/'
plt.savefig(path+name1+'.png', dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
        orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,
        transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.2,
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Degrees of freedom <= 0 for slice
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
# three degree and 4 degree resolution comparison plot for the Atlantic

depths = [x for x in range(0,6500, 250)]
line_lon = -30
min_lat, max_lat = -80, 80

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (20, 10)) 
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221)
lat_bins = [(x, x+3) for x in range(-80,80, 3)]
ax1 = make_connectedness_plot('temperature', ax1, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax1 = make_connectedness_plot('salinity', ax1, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax1.set_title('3 degree resolution', fontsize=axis_sz)
ax1.text(40, 4600, 'Salinity', color='R', size=24)
ax1.text(40, 5600, 'Temp', color='b', size=24)

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222)
lat_bins = [(x, x+4) for x in range(-80,80, 4)]
ax2 = make_connectedness_plot('temperature', ax2, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax2 = make_connectedness_plot('salinity', ax2, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax2.set_title('4 degree resolution', fontsize=axis_sz)

# print('Temperature (blue), Salinity (red)')

# fig = plt.figure(figsize = (20, 6)) 
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223)
lat_bins = [(x, x+3) for x in range(-80,80, 3)]
ax3 = make_connectedness_plot('phosphate', ax3, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax3.text(40, 5000, 'PO$_4$', color='g', size=24)
# ax1.set_title('3 degree resolution', fontsize=axis_sz)

ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224)
lat_bins = [(x, x+4) for x in range(-80,80, 4)]
ax4 = make_connectedness_plot('phosphate', ax4, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
# ax2.set_title('4 degree resolution', fontsize=axis_sz)
print('Phosphate (green)')

name1 = 'salinity_temp_po4_connectedness_30W'
path = 'raw_demo_plots/connectedness/'
plt.savefig(path+name1+'.png', dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
        orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,
        transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.2,
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Degrees of freedom <= 0 for slice
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
Phosphate (green)
# three degree and 4 degree resolution comparison plot for the Pacific

line_lon = -150
min_lat, max_lat = -80, 80

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (20, 10)) 
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221)
lat_bins = [(x, x+3) for x in range(-80,80, 3)]
ax1 = make_connectedness_plot('temperature', ax1, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax1 = make_connectedness_plot('salinity', ax1, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax1.set_title('3 degree resolution', fontsize=axis_sz)
ax1.text(40, 4600, 'Salinity', color='R', size=24)
ax1.text(40, 5600, 'Temp', color='b', size=24)

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222)
lat_bins = [(x, x+4) for x in range(-80,80, 4)]
ax2 = make_connectedness_plot('temperature', ax2, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax2 = make_connectedness_plot('salinity', ax2, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax2.set_title('4 degree resolution', fontsize=axis_sz)

# print('Temperature (blue), Salinity (red)')

# fig = plt.figure(figsize = (20, 6)) 
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223)
lat_bins = [(x, x+3) for x in range(-80,80, 3)]
ax3 = make_connectedness_plot('phosphate', ax3, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
ax3.text(40, 5000, 'PO$_4$', color='g', size=24)
# ax1.set_title('3 degree resolution', fontsize=axis_sz)

ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224)
lat_bins = [(x, x+4) for x in range(-80,80, 4)]
ax4 = make_connectedness_plot('phosphate', ax4, line_lon, min_lat, max_lat, depths, lat_bins)
# ax2.set_title('4 degree resolution', fontsize=axis_sz)
print('Phosphate (green)')

name1 = 'salinity_temp_po4_connectedness_'+str(-line_lon)+'W'
path = 'raw_demo_plots/connectedness/'
plt.savefig(path+name1+'.png', dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
        orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,
        transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.2,
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Degrees of freedom <= 0 for slice
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
Phosphate (green)